Getting Started with AVB on Linux*


Audio/Video Bridging (AVB) is a set of IEEE standards enabling time-sensitive Audio/Video applications on Local Area Networks (LANs). AVB provides time synchronization, bounded transmission latency, resource management, and application interoperability. Since these features can additionally be leveraged by non-AV systems, IEEE expanded its scope and rebranded AVB as Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN).

For the past few years, several TSN building blocks have been developed in the upstream Linux* ecosystem, such as generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP) support on Linux PTP, TSN Queueing Disciplines (qdiscs), device driver support, and Libavtp project. On top of these building blocks, Audio Video Transport Protocol (AVTP) plugins were developed for ALSA and GStreamer frameworks to enable AVB on Linux systems. This tutorial focuses on leveraging these plugins to implement an AVB application.

The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is a low-level framework that provides audio functionality on Linux. It comprises sound card device drivers, kernel-user interfaces, and user-space libraries and utility tools. GStreamer, on the other hand, is a higher-level framework that provides multimedia functionalities such as encoding, multiplexing, filtering, and rendering to applications.

This tutorial discusses how to set up the system and get started with AVB talker/listener applications. By the end of this tutorial, you will have two endpoints, a TSN Talker and a TSN Listener, configured to transmit audio and video streams with bounded latency, and will be able to run some AVB sample applications.

System Requirements

This tutorial has been validated on two desktop machines with Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210 connected back-to-back and Linux kernel version 4.19.

Plugins Installation

Depending on your use case, install the plugin you need. Follow these steps to install the ALSA and GStreamer AVTP plugins on both machines.

To complete the installation, follow the steps to get the source code and build the plugin. This includes installing the respective dependencies. Those should be packaged for most distros, though. For example, on Ubuntu*, one can use to install them:

sudo apt install build-essential git meson flex bison glib2.0 \
        libcmocka-dev autoconf libtool autopoint libncurses-dev \

In the instructions below, all plugins artifacts are installed in /usr/local so make sure your environment variables considered it.

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/local/share/aclocal/:$ACLOCAL_PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Both ALSA and GStreamer plugins depend on Libavtp so you must install it in your system. Libavtp is an open source implementation of Audio Video Transport Protocol (AVTP) specified in IEEE 1722-2016 spec. Libavtp source code can be found in Checkout the code and follow the instructions in the README file to get it built and installed.

ALSA Plugin

The ALSA framework is the de facto framework that provides audio functionality in the Linux system. While it comprises both kernel and user space components, the AVB examples covered in this tutorial only depend on the user space components which are the following:

  • alsa-lib provides the core libraries
  • alsa-utils provides utility tools for playback, capture, and mix audio samples
  • alsa-plugins provides assorted plugins to the ALSA framework

The AVTP plugin is part of alsa-plugins since version 1.1.8.

This tutorial uses the latest version, 1.1.9. Follow these steps to get, build, and install the ALSA artifacts provided by those projects.

Step 1: Start with the core libraries from alsa-lib project:

git clone
cd alsa-lib/
git checkout v1.1.9
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Step 2: Install the utility tools from alsa-utils project:

git clone
cd alsa-utils/
git checkout v1.1.9
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Step 3: Install the plugins from alsa-plugins project:

git clone
cd alsa-plugins/
git checkout v1.1.9
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Step 4: Regenerate the shared library cache after manually installing libraries:

sudo ldconfig

GStreamer Plugin

By its own definition, GStreamer “is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components”. It provides a pipeline, in which elements connect to one another and data is processed as it flows. Elements are provided by GStreamer plugins. The AVTP plugin is provided by the gst-plugins-bad module. As the AVTP plugin is not yet part of a GStreamer release, to build it is necessary to also build GStreamer core and gst-plugins-base from source.

Step 1: Install GStreamer core:

git clone
cd gstreamer
meson build --prefix=/usr/local
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+ep /usr/local/bin/gst-launch-1.0

Last command ensures that gst-launch-1.0 tool has permission to access network over layer 2, as needed by TSN applications.

Step 2: Install gst-plugins-base:

git clone
cd gst-plugins-base
meson build --prefix=/usr/local
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

Step 3: Install gst-plugins-bad:

git clone
cd gst-plugins-bad
meson build --prefix=/usr/local
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

Step 4: Regenerate the shared library cache after manually installing libraries:

sudo ldconfig

Step 5: Confirm that the GStreamer AVTP plugin has been successfully installed.

gst-inspect-1.0 avtp

The output contains standard information about the GStreamer AVTP plugin.

Step 6: Install additional GStreamer modules:

  • gst-plugins-good provides basic elements used in this tutorial
  • gst-plugins-ugly is needed if using software encoder x264enc
  • gst-libav provides software decoders
  • gst-vaapi provides VA-API encoders and decoders

These modules can be installed from your favorite distro packages. For instance, to install all of the above on Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
        gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-vaapi

Step 7: To ensure GStreamer finds the plugins installed from packages or from sources, add the system default plugin directory to the path GStreamer search plugin on. For instance, on Ubuntu do:

export GST_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0"

System Setup

To run an AVB application, configure the following:

  • VLAN interface
  • Time synchronization
  • Qdiscs

VLAN Configuration

Since AVB streams are transmitted over Virtual LANs (VLANs), a VLAN interface on both hosts is required. The VLAN interface is created using the ip-link command from iproute2 project which is pre-installed on most Linux distributions.

This example transmits AVB streams on VLAN ID 5 and follows the priority mapping recommended by IEEE 802.1Q-2018. In this tutorial, the TSN-capable NIC is represented by the eth0 interface. Make sure to replace it with the interface name of the TSN-capable NIC in your system.

Run the following command to create the eth0.5 interface, which represents the VLAN interface in this tutorial:

sudo ip link add link eth0 name eth0.5 type vlan id 5 \
        egress-qos-map 2:2 3:3

sudo ip link set eth0.5 up

For further information regarding VLAN in Linux, refer to Configuring VLAN Interfaces.

Qdiscs Configuration

The TSN control plane is implemented through the Linux Traffic Control (TC) System. The transmission algorithms specified in Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS) chapter from IEEE 802.1Q-2018 are supported via TC Queuing Disciplines (qdiscs). Three qdiscs are required to set up an AVB system: MQPRIO, CBS and ETF.

Follow these steps to configure the qdiscs:

Step 1: Add the MQPRIO qdisc to the root qdisc to expose hardware queues in the TC system. The command below configures MQPRIO for the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210 which has 4 transmission queues:

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent root handle 6666 mqprio \
        num_tc 3 \
        map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 \
        queues 1@0 1@1 2@2 \
        hw 0

Step 2: CBS qdisc configuration depends on the number of AVB streams as well as the stream features. This tutorial uses 2 streams with the following features:

  • Stream A: SR class A, AVTP Compressed Video Format, H.264 profile High, 1920x1080, 30 fps.
  • Stream B: SR class B, AVTP Audio Format, PCM 16-bit sample, 48 kHz, stereo, 12 frames per AVTPDU.

Configure the CBS qdiscs as below to reserve bandwidth to accommodate these streams:

sudo tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent 6666:1 handle 7777 cbs \
        idleslope 98688 sendslope -901312 hicredit 153 locredit -1389 \
        offload 1

sudo tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent 6666:2 handle 8888 cbs \
        idleslope 3648 sendslope -996352 hicredit 12 locredit -113 \
        offload 1

Step 3: Configure the ETF qdiscs as children of CBS qdiscs.

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 7777:1 etf \
        clockid CLOCK_TAI \
        delta 500000 \

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 8888:1 etf \
        clockid CLOCK_TAI \
        delta 500000 \

For further information regarding TSN qdiscs configuration refer to Configuring TSN Qdiscs.

Time Synchronization

Both ALSA and GStreamer plugins require the PTP Hardware Clock (PHC) from the NIC as well as the System clock to be synchronized with gPTP Grand Master. This is done by Linux PTP tools. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1: Synchronize the PHC with gPTP GM clock:

sudo ptp4l -i eth0 -f <linuxptp source dir>/configs/gPTP.cfg --step_threshold=1 -m

Step 2: PHC time is set in TAI coordinate time while the system clock time is in UTC time. To set the system clocks (CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_TAI), configure the UTC-TAI offset in the system, as below:

sudo pmc -u -b 0 -t 1 "SET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP clockClass 248 \
        clockAccuracy 0xfe offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff \
        currentUtcOffset 37 leap61 0 leap59 0 currentUtcOffsetValid 1 \
        ptpTimescale 1 timeTraceable 1 frequencyTraceable 0 \
        timeSource 0xa0"

Step 3: Synchronize the system clock with the PHC:

sudo phc2sys -w -m -s eth0 -c CLOCK_REALTIME --step_threshold=1 \

For further information regarding time synchronization, refer to Synchronizing Time with Linux* PTP.

AVB Audio Talker/Listener Examples

With software installed and system set up, you are ready to see AVB audio talker and listener applications in action. AVB Audio streaming is supported by both ALSA and GStreamer plugins.

Examples using ALSA Framework

The ALSA AVTP Audio Format (AAF) plugin is a PCM plugin that uses AAF AVTPDUs to transmit/receive audio data through a TSN network. The plugin enables any existing ALSA-based application to operate as AVB talker or listener.

  • In playback mode, the plugin reads PCM samples from the audio buffer, encapsulates into AVTPDUs and transmits to the network, mimicking a typical AVB talker.
  • In capture mode, the plugin receives AVTPDUs from the network, retrieves the PCM samples, and presents them (at AVTP presentation time) to the application for rendering, mimicking a typical AVB Listener.

Step 1: Add the AAF device to the ALSA configuration file (/etc/asound.conf) on both Talker and Listener hosts. The following configuration creates the AAF device according to the AVB audio stream described in Qdiscs Configuration. For a full description of AAF device configuration options, refer to ALSA AAF Plugin documentation.

Note: In the configuration file, replace the interface name eth0.5 with the VLAN interface you created in VLAN Configuration.

pcm.aaf0 {
        type aaf
        ifname eth0.5
        addr 01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
        prio 2
        streamid AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:000B
        mtt 50000
        time_uncertainty 1000
        frames_per_pdu 12
        ptime_tolerance 100

Step 2: Run the speaker-test tool from alsa-utils to implement the AVB talker application. The tool generates a tone which is transmitted through the network as an AVTP stream by the aaf0 device.

On the Talker host run:

sudo speaker-test -p 25000 -F S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 -D aaf0

Quick explanation about speaker-test arguments: -p configures ALSA period size, -F sets the sample format, -c the number of channels, -r the sampling rate, and -D the ALSA device. For more details check speaker-test(1) manpage.

Step 3: While the AVB stream is being transmitted through the network, run the listener and play it back, using aplay and arecord tools from alsa-utils. These tools create a PCM loopback between two ALSA devices. In this case, the capture device is aaf0 and the playback device is default (usually, this is the main sound card in the system).

On the listener host run:

sudo arecord -F 25000 -t raw -f S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 -D aaf0 | \
        aplay -F 25000 -t raw -f S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 -D default

Result: You can hear the tone transmitted by the Talker in the speakers (or headphones) attached to the Listener host.


If no sound is heard:

  1. Ensure the volume is high enough.

If aplay fails with “Sample format non available”:

  1. Some sound cards do not support big endian formats. It’s necessary to convert the PCM samples to little endian before pushing them to your soundcard. This can be done by defining a converter device in /etc/asound.conf, on Listener, as shown below.
pcm.converter0 {
        type linear
        slave {
                pcm default
                format S16_LE

Use converter0 as playback device instead of default.

Examples using GStreamer Framework

The GStreamer AVTP plugin provides a set of elements that are arranged in a GStreamer pipeline to implement AVB talker and listener applications. These elements can be categorized as:

  • payloaders: elements that encapsulate/decapsulate audio and video data into/from AVTPDUs. The plugin provides a pair of payloader/depayloader elements for each AVTP format supported;
  • sink: element receives AVTPDUs from upstream and sends them to the network;
  • source: element that receives AVTPDUs from the network and send them upstream in the pipeline.

This example uses the gst-launch-1.0 tool to implement the AVB talker and listener applications.

Step 1: At the AVB talker host, run the following command to generate the AAF stream:

On the AVB talker:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    audiotestsrc samplesperbuffer=12 is-live=true ! \
    audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=2,rate=48000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000B processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

In this command the clockselect defines a special GStreamer pipeline to be used, that enables you to select a clock for the pipeline, using its clock-id switch. Setting it to realtime sets CLOCK_REALTIME as the pipeline clock while the rest of the command between the parenthesis describes the pipeline. The ! sign refers to connecting two elements. Let’s check what each element in the pipeline does:

  • audiotestsrc generates a tone.
  • audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=2,rate=48000 is not a true element but a filter that defines the audio sample features audiotestsrc generates.
  • avtpaafpay encapsulates audio samples into AAF AVTPDUs.
  • avtpsink sends AVTPDs to the network.

Note that AVTP-specific features, such as maximum transit time, time uncertainty, and stream ID, are set via the avtpaafpay element properties while network-specific features such as network interface and traffic priority are set via avtpsink element properties.

The processing-deadline property set above defines an overall processing latency for the pipeline. The payloader element takes it into consideration when calculating the AVTP presentation time. Note that the processing-deadline property from the payloader and sink elements should have the same value.

To learn about a specific element utilized in the pipeline above, run:

gst-inspect-1.0 <ELEMENT>

Step 2: While the AVB stream is being transmitted through the network, run the listener application to receive the stream and play it back.

On the AVB listener:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    avtpsrc ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA ! \
    queue max-size-buffers=0 max-size-time=0 ! \
    avtpaafdepay streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000B ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink \)

The avtpsrc element receives AVTPDUs from the network and push them to the avtpaafdepay element which extracts the audio samples. The autoaudiosink automatically detects the default audio sink in the system and plays it back.

In the pipeline above:

  1. Using the queue element after avtpsrc ensures packet reception is not blocked in case any downstream element blocks the pipeline.
  2. Using the audioconvert element before autoaudiosink ensures the audio stream is automatically converted to a compatible stream configuration in case the playback device doesn’t support S16BE, stereo, 48 kHz.

Result: You hear the tone transmitted by the Talker in the speakers (or headphones) attached to the Listener host.


If no sound is heard, make sure the volume is high enough.

AVB Video Talker/Listener Example

AVB video is only supported by the GStreamer AVTP plugin. Similar to the GStreamer audio example, the AVB Video example also uses gst-launch-1.0 tool to implement AVB video talker and listener applications.

Step 1: Run the following command to generate the CVF stream on the AVB talker:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    videotestsrc is-live=true ! video/x-raw,width=720,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! \
    clockoverlay ! vaapih264enc ! h264parse config-interval=-1 ! \
    avtpcvfpay processing-deadline=20000000 mtt=2000000 tu=125000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000A ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 priority=3 processing-deadline=20000000 \)

Similar to the audio talker pipeline, the videotestsrc element generates the video stream to transmit over AVTP. The clockoverlay element adds a wall-clock time on the top-left corner of the video (we use this information to check playback synchronization, more on this later). The vaapih264enc element encodes the stream into H.264 and the h264parse element parses it so the output capabilities are set correctly. The avtpcvfpay element then encapsulates it into CVF AVTPDUs which are finally transmitted by the avtpsink element. If vaapih264enc isn’t available in your system, you may use another H.264 encoder instead, such as x264enc.

Note that we set the config-interval=-1 property from h264parse to ensure H.264 stream metadata is in-band so the H.264 decoder running by the AVB listener application is able to actually decode it. Also note we use a processing-deadline of 20ms as opposed to 0ms used on audio pipeline. We chose this value due this pipeline being more “heavy” on processing - generating and encoding video, adding overlays, etc. The correct value for this property depends on the pipeline and the system it runs on.

Step 2: While the AVB stream is being transmitted through the network, run the listener and play it back.

On the AVB listener:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    avtpsrc ifname=eth0.5 ! avtpcvfdepay streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000A ! \
    queue max-size-bytes=0 max-size-buffers=0 max-size-time=0 ! \
    vaapih264dec ! videoconvert ! clockoverlay halignment=right ! autovideosink \)

avtpsrc receives AVTPDUs from the network, avtpcvfdepay extracts the H.264 NAL units, vaapih264dec decodes the stream, clockoveraly adds a wall clock to the top-right corner of the video, and autovideosink automatically detects a video sync (e.g. X server) and renders the video stream. If vaapih264dec isn’t available in your system, you may use another H.264 decoder instead, such as avdec_h264.

Results: The video is streamed by the talker and displayed on the listener screen.

Note that clocks on top left (talker clock) and right (listener clock) may not be in perfect sync, due network and pipeline latencies.


  1. If there is a delay when video playback starts on listener, try starting the listener after the talker application. This usually happens due to the fact that video can only be decoded when a keyframe is present on stream. This effect won’t happen if talker side is started after listener, as first frame will be a keyframe already. Should this be an issue, check your encoder options to control keyframe frequency.

Streaming From a File

The examples above use helper tools to synthetize the stream contents. However, implementing real use-cases involves reading stream content from a file, such as a WAV file for audio or MP4 file for video.

For the audio examples, use the WAV file which has the PCM features from the AVB Stream B (16-bit sample, stereo, and 48kHz).

The ALSA Way

Follow these steps to stream contents from a file, using the ALSA Framework:

Step 1: Convert the PCM samples within that file from little endian into big endian format, before pushing them to the AAF device. To achieve that, define a converter device and add it to the /etc/asound.conf file:

pcm.converter1 {
        type linear
        slave {
                pcm aaf0
                format S16_BE

Step 2: Use aplay to read PCM samples from the file and play them back in the converter device:

sudo aplay -F 12500 -D converter1 piano2.wav


If you try another WAV file, and it does not work, make sure the CBS qdisc is adjusted accordingly to accommodate the stream features from this another file.

The GStreamer Way

From a WAV File

To stream contents from a WAV file, use the filesrc element and run the command:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    filesrc location=piano2.wav ! wavparse ! audioconvert ! \
    audiobuffersplit output-buffer-duration=12/48000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000B processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

This example uses the wavparse element to demux the WAV file, the audioconvert element to handle any audio conversion needed, and the audiosplitbuffer element to generate GstBuffers with 12 samples.

From an MP4 File

Run this command to generate a CVF stream from an MP4 file. The file used in this example can be downloaded here.

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    filesrc location=sintel_trailer-480p.mp4 ! qtdemux ! h264parse config-interval=-1 ! \
    avtpcvfpay processing-deadline=20000000 mtt=2000000 tu=125000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000A ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 priority=3 processing-deadline=20000000 \)

This example uses qtdemux element to demultiplex the MP4 container and access the video data.


Both pipelines above have one caveat: gst-launch-1.0 does not provide a way to disable prerolling [1] so the timestamp from the first AVTPDU isn’t set correctly. While this should not usually be an issue, it could cause hiccups and delays when starting playback on listener side. Writing an appsrc element may allow sourcing the file without the preroll step.

Streaming From a Live Source

Generating an AVB stream from a live source, such as microphones or cameras, is another use case to consider.

The ALSA Way

Follow these steps to stream contents from a live source, using the ALSA Framework:

Step 1: To determine what device is the microphone in your system, run:

arecord -l

This command lists the capture devices detected in the system. It provides information about the devices alongside a card X (...) device Y. Considering card 1 (...) device 0 is the microphone device, move to Step 2.

Step 2: Use the arecord and aplay pair to get PCM samples from the microphone device loop them into the AAF device as shown:

arecord -F 25000 -t raw -f S16_LE -c 2 -r 48000 -D hw:1,0 | \
        sudo aplay -F 25000 -t raw -f S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 -D aaf0


Some microphones do not supply big endian formats. In this case, convert the PCM samples to big endian before pushing them to the AAF plugin. This can be done as described in the Streaming From a File. Remember to use the convert device as playback device instead of aaf0.

The GStreamer Way

Follow these steps to stream contents from a live source, using the GStreamer Framework:

Step 1: To check which devices are known to GStreamer and its properties, including the kind of output, use the gst-device-monitor-1.0 tool:

gst-device-monitor-1.0 Video/Source Audio/Source

This generates a list of all audio and video source devices GStreamer knows about, along with their properties. It includes brief tips on using them, such as gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! .... Use this information to create an appropriate pipeline.

Step 2.A: To use a microphone as the source of a pipeline stream, use alsasrc element as shown:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    alsasrc device=hw:1,0 ! audioconvert ! \
    audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=2,rate=48000 ! \
    audiobuffersplit output-buffer-duration=12/48000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000B processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

Step 2.B: To use a camera as the source of a pipeline stream for video, use the v4l2src element as shown:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    v4l2src ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,width=720,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! \
    vaapih264enc ! h264parse config-interval=1 ! \
    avtpcvfpay processing-deadline=20000000 mtt=2000000 tu=125000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000A ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 priority=3 processing-deadline=20000000 \)

Here, videoconvert element converts output from v4l2src element to the video/x-raw filter specified, creating a video stream with the features expected by the H.264 encoder.

Running Multiple Talker Applications on the Same Host

This section describes how to run multiple talker applications on the same host. In addition to the streams described in Qdiscs Configuration, two more streams are included as follows:

  • Stream C: SR class B, AVTP Audio Format, PCM 16-bit sample, 8 kHz, mono, 2 frames per AVTPDU;
  • Stream D: SR class B, AVTP Audio Format, PCM 16-bit sample, 48 kHz, 6 channels, 12 frames per AVTPDU.

First, reconfigure CBS to accommodate the two new streams. Configure the qdiscs as shown.

sudo tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent 6666:2 cbs \
        idleslope 12608 sendslope -987392 hicredit 41 locredit -207 \
        offload 1

The ALSA Way

To run multiple streams you need to add new AAF devices to ALSA configuration file (one for each stream). We could do the same thing done in Examples using ALSA Framework, but instead we’re going to leverage the ALSA plugin runtime configuration. Instead of defining AAF devices statically, you can do it dynamically by the time you specify the device.

Follow these steps to run multiple talker applications on one host using the ALSA Framework:

Step 1: Replace the pcm.aaf0 device in the /etc/asound.conf file by the device shown below:

pcm.aaf {
        @args.IFNAME {
                type string
        @args.ADDR {
                type string
        @args.PRIO {
                type integer
        @args.STREAMID {
                type string
        @args.MTT {
                type integer
        @args.UNCERTAINTY {
                type integer
        @args.FRAMES {
                type integer
        @args.TOLERANCE {
                type integer

        type aaf
        ifname $IFNAME
        addr $ADDR
        prio $PRIO
        streamid $STREAMID
        mtt $MTT
        time_uncertainty $UNCERTAINTY
        frames_per_pdu $FRAMES
        ptime_tolerance $TOLERANCE

Step 2: Run multiple instances of speaker-test (one for each AVB audio stream), varying the AAF device parameters and the PCM features according to the features from streams B, C, and D.

Stream B:

sudo speaker-test -p 12500 -F S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 \
        -D aaf:eth0.5,01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA,2,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:000B,50000,1000,12,100

Stream C:

sudo speaker-test -p 12500 -F S16_BE -c 1 -r 8000 \
        -D aaf:eth0.5,01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA,2,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:000C,50000,1000,2,100

Stream D:

sudo speaker-test -p 12500 -F S16_BE -c 6 -r 48000 \
        -D aaf:eth0.5,01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA,2,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:000D,50000,1000,12,100

Note that you can check if each stream is running properly on listener, by adapting listener sample command shown in Examples using ALSA Framework (remember to account for streamid, frequency and number of channels differences). Note that by default, ALSA will not mix different audio streams, so you will only be able to listen to one audio stream each time. You can use a mixer plugin if you want to mix.

The GStreamer Way

For GStreamer, running several streams at the same time involves creating several pipelines, each one with the right stream parameters:

Stream B:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    audiotestsrc samplesperbuffer=12 is-live=true ! \
    audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=2,rate=48000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000B processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

Stream C:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    audiotestsrc samplesperbuffer=2 is-live=true ! \
    audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=1,rate=8000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000C processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

Stream D:

gst-launch-1.0 clockselect. \( clock-id=realtime \
    audiotestsrc samplesperbuffer=12 is-live=true ! \
    audio/x-raw,format=S16BE,channels=6,rate=48000 ! \
    avtpaafpay mtt=50000000 tu=1000000 streamid=0xAABBCCDDEEFF000D processing-deadline=0 ! \
    avtpsink ifname=eth0.5 address=01:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA priority=2 processing-deadline=0 \)

Note that you can check if each stream is running properly on listener, by adapting listener sample command shown in Examples using GStreamer Framework (remember to account for streamid, frequency and number of channels differences).


ALSA AVB talker eventually fails when I set ‘time_uncertainty’ to 125

According to Table 4 from IEEE 1722-2016, the Max Timing Uncertainty for Class A streams is 125 us so the ‘time_uncertainty’ configuration from AAF device should be set to 125. However, speaker-test or aplay eventually fail transmitting when such value is set. This is a known issue and should be fixed soon. This tutorial will be updated once the issue is fixed. As a workaround set the ‘time_uncertainty’ to a greater value. 500 has worked consistently when running empirical tests.

Video doesn’t work when using x264enc as encoder and avdec_h264 as decoder

Using x264enc and avdec_h264 together was found to have issues on some systems. One workaround is to set bframes as in ... ! x264enc bframes=0 ! ... on talker.

When streaming a higher resolution video, such as HD or Full HD, video doesn’t work or work with awful quality on Listener

While audio samples are usually small in size, videos can be much bigger, especially with big resolutions and framerate. As videos commonly eat up more resources, one must make sure that more resources are available to them.

One of the resources that can be a limitation to big videos is the socket buffer size. If socket buffer fills up, packets may be dropped, compromising video playback. To avoid transmit buffer filling up, one can increase its size:

sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=21299200

sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=21299200

These commands will increase socket buffer size to approximately 20 MB. It depends on video characteristics how big this buffer needs to be, but with suggested size, it should work well for Full HD videos.

On the listener side, queue element after depayloader is usually enough to bufferize packets received.

I get “Unknown qdisc etf” when trying to set up ETF Qdisc on Ubuntu Disco (19.04)

While Ubuntu Disco has kernel 5.0, it has iproute2 4.18. Update iproute2 package. You can install it from sources following these instructions. Alternatively, you can install it from Ubuntu Eoan (19.10) following these other instructions.

ALSA talker application fails while sending AVTPDUs

Especially when system load is high, AVB applications can take too long to be scheduled in and AVTPDU transmission deadlines could be lost. This can be addressed by using RT Linux and assigning schedule priorities properly. On regular Linux, though, empirical tests have shown that changing the schedule policy and priority of the AVB application process mitigates the issue.

The command example below runs speaker-test with FIFO scheduling policy and priority 98.

sudo chrt --fifo 98 speaker-test -p 12500 -F S16_BE -c 2 -r 48000 -D aaf0
[1]Prerolling is a technique GStreamer uses to ensure smooth playing. The first frame is processed by the pipeline, but is not played by the sink until pipeline state changes to “playing”. While this allows for smooth transition when user clicks the play button on a normal media player, for the AVTP plugin, the first frame does not have timing information, as GStreamer is unaware when it will be played. However, as gst-launch-1.0 tool starts playing right after preroll, any disruption should be minimal.